Thursday, May 5, 2011

When is BREAD not good for you?

Well I'm not going to lie, I'm a bread-o-holic. I love it so much and I eat it with every meal. I think though, it is finally taking the best of me. Not only has it caused me to add on extra pounds, but it's also making my tummy flora not behave so good along with the rest of my body. I recently went to my kinesiologist and he mentioned my body is not responding well and it's because of too much bread as 1 of the factors. A Kinesiologist is one who practices alternative medicine for diagnosis and determination of therapy. According to practitioners using Applied Kinesiology techniques, it provides feedback on the functional status of the body. So if you have a unexplainable problem going on with your body then these people are good for finding out what it is. For me, I started getting weird symptoms of facial tingling as well as tingling in the back of my neck. Now he told me there were other things i needed to do to balance my body again. My vitamin D was very low and my cholesterol was really high.
Bread is one of those foods that helps contribute to high cholesterol because it becomes sugar in the body. And the more sugar you have the more the body stores fat and that's where cholesterol gets stubborn and doesn't melt away. That and the lack of exercise.
Luckily, I found out before worst signals started happening, and now I am exercising as well as limiting my bread intake and increasing my fruits, vegetables and vitamins.

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