Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello World!

I have decided to start this blog to keep track of my daily encounters with "Chemicals" and what I do to bypass them.

Have you ever thought about the "STUFF" they add to our food in the grocery store to make it last long? Or how about the medicine we take to help us feel better when we are sick?
For the most part, all we care about is if it does it's job, right? Make us full or make us feel better.
That's all good and dandy except when too much of that "STUFF" gets loaded into our bodies and then repercussions result. Then what? You really don't want to know. But let's just say you will be going to the doctors a lot more.

I've got to say one thing. Science is great and for those who find cures and help people I have nothing against that. I am only against those who use STUFF for their own personal gains and could care less how it affects us. So with that in mind, I am going to write as much as I can about how to NOT use those products and DO use the GOOD products that would benefit us instead. :)

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