Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why I skip certain vaccines

Ok, Ok, I know some of you who read this might get a bit upset with me when I say I skip certain vaccines for my child. Well, let me tell you the reason, then you can judge me however you wish. Firstly, I am not someone against vaccines. I think that we are lucky in this day and age to have them. And I am so thankful for that. Especially for so many diseases that can be prevented, there is a way to stay healthy. The thing I'm against is loading up a child on so many at one time even those which are not really necessary.

Autism is on the rise, so is depression and so many other mental illnesses. And even if the media says there is no link to them and vaccines, it doesn't mean it's true. Nobody knows why Autism is on the rise but there are some people who swear on their lives that before they took certain vaccines their child was just fine. So I want to be careful and won't give him the ones that I don't think he really needs like the flu shot (which has mercury in it) or the Hepatitis B (a sexually transmitted disease) shot which has so many side effects linked to it and so many additives in it. And if I do decide to give him vaccines I will do my research on companies who use lesser chemicals then others. For example one can have Formaldahyde in it and one does not. I'll go with that one. You see what I mean?

To me, the fewer chemicals shoved into my kid the better. Thank you. If you would like to read a good book about some hidden information about vaccines : Click Here!

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