Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Transitioning from Meat to Soy

I am not a vegetarian, but since my husband's recent issue with liver problems, I have been making a lot of meatless food lately. And I have to say, it really feels good. Even though I am not a vegetarian, I'm also not a big meat eater either. I rarely eat beef or turkey and occasionally I will have chicken or fish. So making a switch to meatless nights really didn't freak me out. And honestly, I feel a lot lighter lately. You know how sometimes when you eat a heavy meal you feel so heavy and tired? Well, since being on this type of diet, I feel light and comfy and eating has been a lot more enjoyable knowing good things are being consumed. I have found some really good stuff at Whole Foods Market that taste truly amazing! And the best part is, there is no artificial preservatives or colors or additives so mainly we are eating soy and spices. I love it. It does cost more to eat healthier but I think in the long run it will be well worth it.

There is another part to this as well. Can eating too much soy be a bad thing? Well, according to this article, it can. So if you are one that needs to not eat meat, don't replace everything with soy made products and make sure they are not processed soy products. 1 item a day that's soy is enough.

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